Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sprite and Austin!

So today Chris and i applied to adopt a dog. No no i lied.Today we applied to adopt..2 dogs. They are a part of the Paws on Parole program which takes 6 dogs every 8 weeks and puts them through training where they are paired with an inmate in a prison. They spend 8 weeks training and learning and graduate with a good citizen award. Chris and I went to visit the 6 dogs today and we ended up applying for 2 of them, Sprite and Austin, Cairn terriers. They're brother and sister and they love each other. Originally we just wanted sprite but we couldn't bear to separate her from her brother because she loves him so much. Sprite is a lapdog that wants to snuggle all the time. Austin is definitely in charge and loves his little sister. He was meant to be with Chris and already looks up to him.

This is Austin

And this is his pretty sister Sprite

They love each other

This is the class they are graduating with on June 25th

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm becoming Dog Obsessed

Hide your pooches, protect your puppies. I'm on the lurk.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Oil Spill Makes Me Sick

This was the sign next to the Gulf of Mexico exhibit at the New Orleans Aquarium. Figures.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New discoveries

Hey Arnold isn't wearing a kilt, it's just an untucked shirt!!
I've been fooled my whole life.