Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New discoveries

Hey Arnold isn't wearing a kilt, it's just an untucked shirt!!
I've been fooled my whole life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Why we're the laziest country in the world

Not just the laziest country..but the laziest species. Here's why.

We have Movable Walkways
Somewhere out there Aliens are looking down upon us and saying "ok wait...it's a thing designed so you don't have to...walk?" Yes aliens. This is a movable walkway. It moves slower than someone actually walking and if you actually decide to walk on it it's just the equivalent of slightly faster than a stroll because why walk when you can just stand.

We avoid movement even when we're moving

You may argue that this machine embodies the opposite of lazy. It involve exercise! But hang on just a second. This machine allows you to walk or run..in one spot. Because why would you want to move when you walk? Why not spend a ton of money so you can enjoy the same steps over and over again.

We buy kitchen tools that only have 1 purpose

We have tools that can only be used for 1 thing. This cuts bagels. It doesn't cut bread, sausages, lemons, carrots, celery, or anything else that our handy knife can cut. It just cuts bagels.

We think of ways to avoid bending

Saturday, April 24, 2010

out of food..sorta

Things we need:
barbeque's sauce
taco shells

Things we have more of than we could ever possibly eat:
Hot chocolate
yellow rice
Italian dressing
chicken broth

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hip hop otamus


Behold the hippopotamus!
We laugh at how he looks to us,
And yet in moments dank and grim,
I wonder how we look to him.
Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus!
We really look all right to us,
As you no doubt delight the eye
Of other hippopotami.
-Ogden Nash

Thursday, April 22, 2010



iPhone 3GS Supreme Rose by Stuart Hughes
Price: $2.97 million*

Stuart Hughes—who also designed the most expensive television—made headlines in 2009 when he crafted a 22-carat gold iPhone studded with 53 diamonds for an unnamed Australian businessman for £1.92 million. More recently, he says, he was commissioned to make an even pricier version of the phone in 18-carat rose gold with hundreds of diamonds, including a single-cut, 7.1-carat diamond for the main navigation button. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

self expression

it's one thing that humans choose to decorate themselves in crazy ways but I doubt these cows choose this style of earrings. 

In Ireland they just spray paint their animals.

clap...clap clap.....clap

Is scattered applause worse than no applause?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Male dawson bees have only one thing on their mind. But don't all males...

"biting other males to death is the dawson bees way"

The female starts to come out of her hole

The males wait until she's out

They fight to the death and one gets what he wants

They don't even buy her dinner first.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things I hate/like reading on other blogs

I spend some of my free time perusing though the various blogs on blogger and I've found a trend of things that make me want to pass right by, throw up or read the last 100 posts of someones blog. If you're interested i've put them in a handly list form:

I hate reading:
1) Blogs written from the voice of babies. Babies don't type, babies don't even talk. Don't write your blog like your baby has an opinion about the outfit you bought for them that week.
2) Blogs that give every nasty little detail about whatever disgusting medical treatment you had on your foot fungus last week.
3)Blogs written by 15 year old girls that spell tings lyke dey neva went 2 skool + r lyke OMG my lyfe SUCKS SOOOOOOOOOOO HARD!
4)Blogs that try to sell stuff, if your stuff was any good it probably wouldn't be sold on a blog
5)Blogs devoted only to recipes or crafts, see #4 for reason

I enjoy reading:
1)Blogs about weightloss. You go girl, you've got my support.
2)Funny blogs. Who doesn't like a laugh
3)Blogs with interesting background or names. It's the whole judge a book by a cover thing. I do, i judge, i'm more likely to read an interestingly named blog than one called "The Jones Family"
4)Blogs that are short and sweet, i don't need to know EVERY detail of the day but a good description here or there is always nice as long as it's relevant to my entertainment

The Wordle of my Delicious tags.

Obviously I value free right after education

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Holidays have lost their sparkle

When I was little Thanksgiving/Easter/Halloween/Easter time were the most exciting things in the world. So much so I wanted to cry when they were over because I knew it was an ENTIRE year until they came back. Slowly but surly this sparkle of special is going away and that's very sad to me. Luckily i still giggle like a little girl at Christmas but Easter was just blah this year. I hope i never lose the Christmas squeal though.

May you Rest in Peeps

Ever wonder what you can do with your leftover easter candy?

I don't have leftover easter candy...

Oh and why's it called a potluck?